Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

10 Things I Learned about Gypsies from watching this show:

1.  Even though English gypsies speak English, they still need subtitles.  The accent that Brad Pitt uses for his role as a gypsy in the movie Snatch is ridiculously accurate.

2.  Cleaning and looking after the house are a woman's job.  (see item 3)  The bride being profiled on the show dropped out of school at the age of 9 to help her mother with the house work.  She was also expected to look after her 8 younger siblings.

3.  Many gypsies live in trailers.  Most of these trailers appear to have approximately 50 square feet of interior space....no not 500...50.  It must take the woman an entire 10 minutes to scrub the trailer from top to bottom each day to keep it clean for her man.

4.  The average marrying age of a gypsy girl is 17.  Many are engaged as early as 14.  And remember, this documentary was not filmed in "Jesus Times" it was filmed in 2011.

5.  Gypsy girls are not allowed to go out in public (and certainly not into a group of boys) alone.  If a boy is interested in a girl he practices what they call "grabbing" (see item 6)

6.  The Rules of Grabbing:
Boy sees girl.
Boy likes girl.
Boy literally pulls girl away from her friends.
Boy asks girl if he can kiss her.
Girl may either say yes or no.
If girl says no boy then exerts physical force on girl (actual arm twisting, pushing, restraining) until girl agrees to let boy kiss girl.

They showed a scene of "grabbing" and I felt like calling the police...especially since the girl in question was 14 years old.

7.  Gypsy girls have very high moral standards (for example: absolutely no drinking or sex before marriage) but nonetheless dress like miniature ladies of the night.  They also dance like tiny strippers.  They showed a scene from a First Communion for a 9 year old and all of the little girls were booty poppin' (that's the second time in less than a week that I have used the term booty poppin) and droppin it like it was hot.  When asked where they learned their moves they said, "from Beyonce".

This is a picture from the show, not a picture of an actual street walker.  Josie here is out on the town having fun with her teenage friends and her mother, who is also named Josie.  All of the girls and the mother are dressed like this.

These girls are all dressed up for their friend's First Communion...yes, seriously.

8. Weddings and First Communions are a BIG BIG deal in the gypsy culture.  And BIG BIG deals call for BIG BIG dresses.  The 9 year old girl who was celebrating her First Communion wore a dress that used 500 yards of material...no not 50...500!  The bride's dress weighed in at 70 pounds.

9.  When it comes to gypsy communion dresses and wedding dresses, cuts and bleeding are normal.  The dresses are so gigantic and heavy that many of the girls end up with cuts on their shoulders and hips from the weight of the material.  One bride had battery packs all over the inside of her dress to power several strands of working lights.  She also had someone following her around with a fire extinguisher just in case.

10.  Last but not least, the "rat tail" hairstyle is perfectly acceptable for gypsy men.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is such a good summary of the show haha.

  3. This is totally accurate. I just read this to my friend to give him an idea of what the show was like.

    Thank you for the summary!
