Saturday, May 28, 2011

Short Summer Series and SYTYCD

Some people think the summer is a time to take a break from television.  I am not one of these people.  For me summer is a time to watch a lot of very random and often cheesy programs.  For example, the last two summers America was blessed with short term (12 week) murder-mystery series: 2009 was Harper's Island and 2010 was Persons Unknown.  Both of these series were terrible...or terribly awesome.  Lots of implausible plot twists and over the top gory death scenes with a finale that unveils the most unlikely suspect as the killer.  I have been on the lookout for 2011's version of the summer series but have not yet seen anything.  Bummer.

One of my favorite summer shows is So You Think You Can Dance.  I have an extensive dance background myself: I took 1 combo jazz/tap/ballet class at Ms. Melva's school of dance when I was 9.  I feel that this personal experience in dance makes me an expert "at home" judge for the show.  It seems like the contemporary dancers are taking over the show.  This is a style of dance that I don't really appreciate.  During all of the contemporary dancer auditions I find myself saying, "I could do that.  I could do that too.  All she is doing is falling on the floor and holding her arms out toward the judges."  The season premiere of SYTYCD was this week.  The standout audition for me in the premiere was Ieshia Moss.  Ieshia had a unique look which is usually something that is appreciated by the judges.  Unfortunately, her missing front tooth paired with her quadruple stripe eye shadow wasn't enough to send her straight through to Hollywood.  When asked what style of dance she would be performing she replied, "I used to be a stripper so that's where my booty poppin come from."  She then proceeded to do a dance that I WOULD NOT be able to do.
During the second half of the show Tyce Diorio was back on the judges panel.  He says things to the dancers like, "that was dirty and disgusting and sick, you killed it."  The contestants always look a little confused as to whether his comments are a compliment or not.  It turns out that being disgusting and sick is a good quality in the eyes of Tyce...jazz hands!  Spirit fingers!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Harper's Island. I didn't know that Henry from Uncle Betty was so mean. I can't wait for Covert Affairs and Burn Notice. I will really miss The Closer after this season.
