Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Bachelorette: Meet the Parents

Usually at this point in the season there is still at least one super annoying person that you can't wait to see go home.  That is not the case this time.  I really like all 4 of the guys she had left going into this episode.

I guess when Constantine said he was a restaurant owner I was expecting a posh downtown eatery with no open reservations for weeks.  Instead, "Giorgio's" looked like it was in a strip mall.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, just not what I was expecting.  Their date started with the Bachelor franchise mandatory running-start hug.  I can't remember the last time one of the home town dates started without the girl and guy running toward each other and ending in a hug.  Why do they always get dropped off so far away?  Can't the car or airport shuttle just drop the Bachelorette off right where her date is standing?  I have a sneaking suspicion that Constantine's family was hired from the set of My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  They all seemed to have a lot of fun and I definitely laughed when his dad started "makin' it rain" with dollar bills.  That was kind of random.

Ben really put the pressure on Ashley by immediately declaring that if his family didn't like her, then he was out.  Most of the families seemed very welcoming even though they had reservations about the whole scenario.  Ben's mother and sister didn't come off quite so welcoming and instead appeared overly protective and a bit unfriendly.  You know how people sometimes talk about the ugly cry?  Like when you are crying really hard and your face gets all contorted and you look hideous?  Whatever the opposite of the ugly cry is, that is what Ben was doing in his interview.  Maybe I will coin the term beautiful weep.  So Ben was totally beautiful weeping with the slowly falling tear drops and the increased blinking.  If Ashley doesn't choose him at the end of this, that interview alone will have ladies lined up around the block.

Oh Ames.  Sweet Ames.  What a nice guy.  It was so obvious that she admired him more than she was attracted to him.  His sister seemed to be talking to Ashley for like 5 hours which definitely cut into Ames' one-on-one time.  His magnolia tree picnic and description of Renaissance era romance was so sweet but you could tell she just wasn't feeling it.

Based on this episode, I have come to the conclusion that every skating rink around the country looks EXACTLY the same.  Ashley has really, really tiny feet.  Did you notice the size of her skates?  I think they were Barbie size.  She had a case of "make-out chin" (definition: where a girl's chin gets all red from making out with a guy with a beard or stubble) happening while she and JP were talking at the rink.  That picture of JP from his bar mitzvah was awesome.

Rose Ceremony
This one was hard to watch.  Actually, I had to look away when it got down to the last two.  We all knew Ames was going home, well, all of us except for Ames.  I hate when they keep cutting the camera to the poor sap waiting to see if he is getting that last rose.  And he is standing there smiling like a doofus.  At least Ashley gave him a nice goodbye handshake (awkward) when they were sitting on that bench.  And why is the pavement in front of that mansion ALWAYS wet?

Rumor has it that Ames is going to be on Bachelor Pad so that's at least something.

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