Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Bachelorette - A Letter to Ashley

This week wasn't the most exciting episode but it did have some good moments.  Like Ashley, I was surprised at Ames' personality.  He seemed really nice and down to earth!  After hearing his profile during episode 1, with all of his ivy league degrees and travels to millions of different countries, I guess I assumed he was going to be hoity toity.  (Side note: the auto correct spelling of "hoity toity" is "Haiti toothy" hehe).  He dresses like he is fresh off the set of a 1950s movie where people are in the army but also spontaneously break into song and dance.  In conclusion, he really does seem like a nice guy but is probably too smart for ol' Ashley.

The best quote of the evening came from Ryan.  When he was accused of being a bit too energetic his response was, "...you can't hang with the fact that I'm freakin' happy a lot? I'm sorry I'm not grumpy."  Yes, that is an exact quote and no I cannot hang with that fact.  The remainder of his speech contained the word "freakin'" about 7 more times and made a random reference to the military.  I liked Ryan at the beginning of the season but this episode makes me think that Ashley shouldn't give this guy a freakin' rose next week.

And now....a letter to the bachelorette herself:

Dear Ashley,
Hey girl!  Sup?  Listen, we need to talk about the Bentley situation.
A couple of things on that subject just so we are on the same page:
1.  You met this dude 2 weeks ago. 
2.  You did not go on a date with him.
3.  You spent probably a total of 1 hour alone together (with cameras in your face)

I realize that at this point in your life you are not aware of the truly awful things he said about you behind your back.  That's not even what bothers me.  The issue is that you are claiming (over and over and over) that you are in a "really dark place" because Bentley left.  Really?  I mean, really?  Don't you think this is a little dramatic?  I get that you are sad but you KEEP bringing it up.  I am not exactly what you would call a dating expert (having only gone on a date with one person) but I still question how you can be this much in love with a guy after basically no time at all.  I'm not saying you can't be upset.  Believe me, you are going to be a lot more upset once you hear what he said.  You just need to stop talking about it all the time.  It is annoying and depressing and pretty soon even Ryan is going to get freakin' grouchy.  Oh, also, thanks for getting rid of West.  He was a bit creepy.  Good luck and I'm excited for next week where you apparently come face to face with your lovey again (probably just to find out that he is not so much a lovey after all).



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